Wednesday 9 September 2015


Everyone works for themselves albeit for many similar things, the most basic ones "food, clothing and shelter". However, a society as a whole doesn't progress with everyone just doing enough for their survival. We as a race, have progressed beyond all other species in the animal kingdom not just because we think, but for the fact that our thoughts are holistic, about making our lives, lives of our families and our society as a whole better. This altruistic sense of achievement has had a huge cost on the individual, like the father of Genetics Gregor John Mendel, dying of depression, being mocked for he could reproduce his experiments only with sweet pea. A more familiar example being that of Galileo Galilei being held in house arrest for entire life and his work being condemned for supporting Copernicus's heliocentric structure of the universe. 

Going by the 80-20 principle, this 20% of population in their small yet significant ways, do more than just for themselves and their families. They step beyond their comfort zone, sometimes struggle and even fight for what they believe is needed for a progressive society. These people are "Outliers". In this section we aim to write about their lives and work, for they inspire us in those times when we want to give up. This section will cover people from every walk of life, a housewife victimized by domestic violence, turning into an entrepreneur to support women like her; to the creative wizards who entertain us through youtube, taking over the giant television industry. It highlights a step taken for the society. With a hope that when the tenth experiment of your life has failed, this section inspires you to go do the eleventh, we would regularly bring stories/ interviews with personalities that inspire and motivate you. Summing it all up by the following lines by Steve Jobs...

If you know someone that inspires you, please do write to us at 

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